spdy: connection leak when client aborted connection

Xiaochen Wang wangxiaochen0 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 27 05:54:06 UTC 2013

 ./configure --with-http_spdy_module --with-http_stub_status_module
--prefix=$(pwd)/../nginx --with-cc-opt=-O0

1. use nginx(spdy/2) to build static file server
2. request large static file(16MB file, 10 streams in one session)
   $ spdycat --no-tls -2 -m 10 http://ip:spdy_port/16M_static_file
3. input ctrl-c to abort connection before spdycat exit
4. see output of stub status module
   $ curl http://ip:http_port/stub_status
   Active connections: 2                          <<< always larger than 1,
one connection leak
   server accepts handled requests
    4 4 4
    Reading: 0 Writing: 2 Waiting: 1
Note: If you cannot reproduce, try one more time.

gdb trace:
-> ngx_http_spdy_read_handler
   do {
      do {
        sc->handler(sc, p, end)
      } while
   } while
  -> ...
   -> ngx_http_spdy_send_output_queue()
     -> c->send_chain(c, cl, 0);                  <<< (maybe) not send
total chains

 stream->request->connection->write->handler = ngx_http_request_handler
 stream->request->write_event_handler = ngx_http_writer

>>> client aborted the connection <<<

-> ngx_http_spdy_read_handler
   do {
     rc = recv()
     if (rc == 0)                                  <<< Client closed the
   } while
 -> ngx_http_spdy_finalize_connection
  -> ev->handler
   -> r->write_event_handler
      if (wev->delayed || r->aio) {               <<< wev->delayed was set.
          ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, wev->log, 0,
                         "http writer delayed");

          if (ngx_handle_write_event(wev, clcf->send_lowat) != NGX_OK) {
              ngx_http_close_request(r, 0);


    In which case, this stream had not been finalized, and sc->processing
was not decreased.
    After ngx_http_spdy_finalize_connection(), nginx got one
connection(spdy session) leak.
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