nginx dso coredump

洪志道 hongzhidao at
Tue Aug 30 10:33:36 UTC 2016

Hi, guys

I found a coredump file generated on production.

(gdb) print ngx_http_abc_module
$7 = {ctx_index = 18446744073709551615, index = 18446744073709551615, name
= 0x0, spare0 = 0, spare1 = 0, version = 1010001, signature = 0x3520
<Address 0x3520 out of bounds>,
  ctx = 0x204800, commands = 0x204840, type = 1347703880, init_master = 0,
init_module = 0, init_process = 0, init_thread = 0, exit_thread = 0,
exit_process = 0,
  exit_master = 0, spare_hook0 = 0, spare_hook1 = 0, spare_hook2 = 0,
spare_hook3 = 0, spare_hook4 = 0, spare_hook5 = 0, spare_hook6 = 0,
spare_hook7 = 0}

The ngx_http_'abc'_module is a simple module written by ourself.
It runed well in the past time, and I just changed the following structure
defined in the module.

typedef struct {

    ngx_flag_t         valid;


    ngx_uint_t      member1;  # added

    ngx_uint_t         member2;  # added


} ngx_http_abc_ctx_t;


load_module  modules/....;
load_module  modules/;  # This module is in the
last postion, the other modules seems right.

And there is tiny detail. I generate so file named
'', then I copy as

And here are short codes about this module.

static ngx_int_t

ngx_http_abc_handler(ngx_http_request_t *r)



    ngx_http_abc_ctx_t             *ctx;

    ngx_http_abc_loc_conf_t     *vlcf;

    vlcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_abc_module);

    if (vlcf->enable == 0) {

        return NGX_DECLINED;


    ctx = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_abc_ctx_t));

    if (ctx == NULL) {

        return NGX_ERROR;


    ngx_http_set_ctx(r, ctx, ngx_http_abc_module);









. auto/module

It's sad that I can't regenerate coredump file now.

By the way, It's so convinient that use dso instead of upgrading static

Thanks so much.

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