submitting a bug report

Val Kulkov val.kulkov at
Fri Jan 31 15:38:57 UTC 2020

Some futher information on the problem reported earlier. On attempting
to login to Trac, I am getting the following today:

Trac detected an internal error:
InvalidClientSecretsError: ('Error opening file', '', 'No such file or
directory', 2)
There was an internal error in Trac. It is recommended that you notify
your local Trac administrator with the information needed to reproduce
the issue.

To that end, you could  a ticket.

The action that triggered the error was:

GET: /login
TracGuide — The Trac User and Administration Guide

On Wed, 29 Jan 2020 at 22:26, Val Kulkov <val.kulkov at> wrote:
> The "How to report bug" page at says:
> "You need to authorize with Google, GitHub, StackExchange or Yandex to
> submit bug report."
> I have logged in to Trac with my GitHub account. I am seeing "logged
> in as Val Kulkov" in the top line of the page. But there is no way to
> submit a bug report! There is no button, no link, nothing. I can only
> see reports, but I cannot open a new ticket.
> Is there some problem with the Trac server [again]? Can someone check
> what is going on please? Thanks.

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