Видимо баг в debug режиме

Дмитрий Леоненко dmitry.leonenko at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 11:54:19 MSD 2007

Конфиг такой:
nsserver eng # cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
user nginx nginx;
worker_processes 1;

error_log /var/log/nginx/error_log info;
events {
        worker_connections  8192;
        use epoll;

http {
        include         /etc/nginx/mime.types;
        default_type    application/octet-stream;

        log_format main
                '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
                '"$request" $status $bytes_sent '
                '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" '

        client_header_timeout   10m;
        client_body_timeout     10m;
        send_timeout            10m;

        connection_pool_size            256;
        client_header_buffer_size       1k;
        large_client_header_buffers     4 2k;
        request_pool_size               4k;

        gzip on;
        gzip_min_length 1100;
        gzip_buffers    4 8k;
        gzip_types      text/plain;

        output_buffers  1 32k;
        postpone_output 1460;

        sendfile        on;
        tcp_nopush      on;
        tcp_nodelay     on;

        keepalive_timeout       75 20;

        ignore_invalid_headers  on;

        index index.html;

        server {
                server_name     naikonsoft.com www.naikonsoft.com;

                access_log      /var/log/nginx/www.naikonsoft.com.access_log
                error_log       /var/log/nginx/www.naikonsoft.com.error_log;
                error_log       /var/log/nginx/debug debug;

                location / {
                    proxy_redirect     off;
                    proxy_set_header   X-Real-Ip        $remote_addr;
                    proxy_set_header   Host     $host;

Смотрю в /var/log/nginx/debug и наблюдаю так такую картину:

2007/07/11 10:47:43 [debug] 30281#0: epoll add event: fd:7 op:1 ev:00000001
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: accept on, ready: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: malloc: 080E20D0:256
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 accept: fd:8
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer add: 8:
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 epoll add event: fd:8 op:1
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 malloc: 080C18C8:632
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 malloc: 080E1848:1024
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 malloc: 080C76B8:4096
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http process request line
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 recv: fd:8 491 of 1024
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http request line: "GET / HTTP/1.1"
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http uri: "/"
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http args: ""
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http exten: ""
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http process request header line
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "Host: ajaxline.com"
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "User-Agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; ru; rv: Gecko/20070515
Firefox/;MEGAUPLOAD 1.0"
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "Accept:
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "Accept-Language:
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "Accept-Encoding:
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "Accept-Charset:
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "Keep-Alive: 300"
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "Connection:
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "Cookie:
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header done
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer del: 8: 3035492463
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 generic phase: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 find location for "/"
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 find location: "/"
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 using configuration "/"
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http cl:-1 max:1048576
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 generic phase: 2
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 post rewrite phase: 3
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 generic phase: 4
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 access phase: 5
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 access phase: 6
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 post access phase: 7
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http init upstream, client timer: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 epoll add event: fd:8 op:3
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http script copy: ""
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http script var: ""
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http script copy: ""
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http script copy: ""
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http script var: ""
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http script copy: ""
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http script copy: ""
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "User-Agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; ru; rv: Gecko/20070515
Firefox/;MEGAUPLOAD 1.0"
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Accept:
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Accept-Language:
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Accept-Encoding:
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Accept-Charset:
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Cookie:
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header:
"GET / HTTP/1.0
Host: ajaxline.com
Connection: close
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; ru; rv:
Gecko/20070515 Firefox/;MEGAUPLOAD 1.0
Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9
Accept-Language: ru-ru,ru;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: windows-1251,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Cookie: PHPSESSID=884fcfc6411a7aa7dede3a2b29330973

2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http cleanup add: 080C807C
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 get rr peer, try: 1
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 socket 11
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 epoll add connection: fd:11
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 connect to, fd:11 #2
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream connect: -2
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer add: 11:
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream send request handler
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream send request
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 chain writer buf fl:1 s:494
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 chain writer in: 080C8088
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 writev: 494
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 chain writer out: 00000000
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer del: 11: 3034952464
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer add: 11:
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream check client, write
event:1, "/"
2007/07/11 10:48:18 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream recv(): -1 (11:
Resource temporarily unavailable)
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream process header
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 malloc: 080C86C0:4096
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 recv: fd:11 4096 of 4096
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy status 200 "200 OK"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Date: Wed, 11
Jul 2007 10:48:18 GMT"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Server: Apache"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "X-Powered-By:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Expires: Sun, 19
Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Last-Modified:
Wed, 11 Jul 2007 10:48:19 GMT"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Cache-Control:
no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Cache-Control:
post-check=0, pre-check=0"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header:
"Content-Encoding: gzip"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Vary:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Connection:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Content-Type:
text/html; charset=utf-8"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header done
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.6.1
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 10:48:22 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Keep-Alive: timeout=20
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.2-pl1-gentoo
Expires: Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT
Last-Modified: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 10:48:19 GMT
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0
Content-Encoding: gzip
Vary: Accept-Encoding

2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 write new buf t:1 f:0 080C8448, pos
080C8448, size: 456 file: 0, size: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:456
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 malloc: 080C96C8:4096
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream process upstream
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe read upstream: 1
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe preread: 3702
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 input buf #0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 malloc: 081267B8:4096
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 readv: 1:4096
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe recv chain: 4096
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 input buf #1
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 malloc: 081277C0:4096
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 readv: 1:4096
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe recv chain: 2510
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 readv: 1:1586
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe recv chain: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe buf in   s:1 t:1 f:0 080C86C0,
pos 080C884A, size: 3702 file: 0, size: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe buf in   s:1 t:1 f:0 081267B8,
pos 081267B8, size: 4096 file: 0, size: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 081277C0,
pos 081277C0, size: 2510 file: 0, size: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 input buf #2
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe write downstream: 1
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe write downstream flush in
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http output filter "/?"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 copy filter: "/?"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http postpone filter "/?" 080C9864
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http postpone filter out "/?"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http chunk: 3702
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http chunk: 4096
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http chunk: 2510
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 write old buf t:1 f:0 080C8448, pos
080C8448, size: 456 file: 0, size: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 write new buf t:1 f:0 00000000, pos
080C98C8, size: 6 file: 0, size: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 write new buf t:1 f:0 080C86C0, pos
080C884A, size: 3702 file: 0, size: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 write new buf t:1 f:0 081267B8, pos
081267B8, size: 4096 file: 0, size: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 write new buf t:1 f:0 081277C0, pos
081277C0, size: 2510 file: 0, size: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 write new buf t:0 f:0 00000000, pos
080A37E9, size: 2 file: 0, size: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:10772
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http write filter limit 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 writev: 10772
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http write filter 00000000
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 copy filter: 0 "/?"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe write downstream done
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer del: 11: 3034952465
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer add: 11:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream exit: 00000000
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 finalize http upstream request: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 finalize http proxy request
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free rr peer 1 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 close http upstream connection: 11
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer del: 11: 3034955835
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream temp fd: -1
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http output filter "/?"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 copy filter: "/?"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http postpone filter "/?" BFCD453C
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http postpone filter out "/?"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http chunk: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 write new buf t:0 f:0 00000000, pos
080A37E6, size: 5 file: 0, size: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http write filter: l:1 f:0 s:5
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http write filter limit 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 writev: 5
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http write filter 00000000
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 copy filter: 0 "/?"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http finalize request: 0, "/?"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 set http keepalive handler
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http close request
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http log handler
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free: 081277C0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free: 081267B8
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free: 080C86C0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free: 080C76B8, unused: 4
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free: 080C96C8, unused: 3167
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer add: 8: 75000:3034970835
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free: 080C18C8
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free: 080E1848
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 hc free: 00000000 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 hc busy: 00000000 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 tcp_nodelay
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http keepalive handler
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 malloc: 080C18C8:1024
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 recv: fd:8 -1 of 1024
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 recv() not ready (11: Resource
temporarily unavailable)
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http keepalive handler
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 recv: fd:8 544 of 1024
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 malloc: 080E1848:632
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 malloc: 080C76B8:4096
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http process request line
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http request line: "GET
/images/rss.gif HTTP/1.1"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http uri: "/images/rss.gif"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http args: ""
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http exten: "gif"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http process request header line
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "Host: ajaxline.com"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "User-Agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; ru; rv: Gecko/20070515
Firefox/;MEGAUPLOAD 1.0"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "Accept:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "Accept-Language:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "Accept-Encoding:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "Accept-Charset:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "Keep-Alive: 300"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "Connection:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "Referer:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "Cookie:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "If-Modified-Since:
Wed, 04 Jul 2007 11:45:09 GMT"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header: "If-None-Match:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http header done
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer del: 8: 3034970835
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 generic phase: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 find location for "/images/rss.gif"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 find location: "/"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 using configuration "/"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http cl:-1 max:1048576
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 generic phase: 2
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 post rewrite phase: 3
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 generic phase: 4
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 access phase: 5
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 access phase: 6
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 post access phase: 7
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http init upstream, client timer: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http script copy: ""
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http script var: ""
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http script copy: ""
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http script copy: ""
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http script var: ""
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http script copy: ""
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http script copy: ""
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "User-Agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; ru; rv: Gecko/20070515
Firefox/;MEGAUPLOAD 1.0"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Accept:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Accept-Language:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Accept-Encoding:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Accept-Charset:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Referer:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Cookie:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header:
"If-Modified-Since: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 11:45:09 GMT"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "If-None-Match:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header:
"GET /images/rss.gif HTTP/1.0
Host: ajaxline.com
Connection: close
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; ru; rv:
Gecko/20070515 Firefox/;MEGAUPLOAD 1.0
Accept: image/png,*/*;q=0.5
Accept-Language: ru-ru,ru;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: windows-1251,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Referer: http://ajaxline.com/
Cookie: PHPSESSID=884fcfc6411a7aa7dede3a2b29330973
If-Modified-Since: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 11:45:09 GMT
If-None-Match: "684350-9b0-980edb40"

2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http cleanup add: 080C80D4
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 get rr peer, try: 1
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 socket 11
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 epoll add connection: fd:11
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 connect to, fd:11 #3
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream connect: -2
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer add: 11:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream check client, write
event:1, "/images/rss.gif"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream recv(): -1 (11:
Resource temporarily unavailable)
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream send request handler
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream send request
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 chain writer buf fl:1 s:547
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 chain writer in: 080C80E0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 writev: 547
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 chain writer out: 00000000
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer del: 11: 3034955981
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer add: 11:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream process header
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 malloc: 080C86C0:4096
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 recv: fd:11 130 of 4096
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy status 304 "304 Not
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Date: Wed, 11
Jul 2007 10:48:22 GMT"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Server: Apache"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "Connection:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header: "ETag:
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http proxy header done
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Server: nginx/0.6.1
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 10:48:22 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Keep-Alive: timeout=20
ETag: "684350-9b0-980edb40"

2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 write new buf t:1 f:0 080C826C, pos
080C826C, size: 164 file: 0, size: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:164
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream process upstream
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe read upstream: 1
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe preread: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 readv: 1:3966
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 readv() not ready (11: Resource
temporarily unavailable)
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe recv chain: -2
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 080C86C0,
pos 080C8742, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer: 11, old: 3034955982,
new: 3034955985
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream dummy handler
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream process upstream
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe read upstream: 1
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 readv: 1:3966
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe recv chain: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 080C86C0,
pos 080C8742, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe write downstream: 1
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 pipe write downstream done
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer: 11, old: 3034955982,
new: 3034955986
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream exit: 00000000
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 finalize http upstream request: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 finalize http proxy request
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free rr peer 1 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 close http upstream connection: 11
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer del: 11: 3034955982
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http upstream temp fd: -1
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http output filter
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 copy filter: "/images/rss.gif?"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http postpone filter
"/images/rss.gif?" BFCD459C
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http postpone filter out
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 write old buf t:1 f:0 080C826C, pos
080C826C, size: 164 file: 0, size: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 write new buf t:0 f:0 00000000, pos
00000000, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http write filter: l:1 f:0 s:164
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http write filter limit 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 writev: 164
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http write filter 00000000
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 copy filter: 0 "/images/rss.gif?"
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http finalize request: 0,
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 set http keepalive handler
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http close request
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http log handler
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free: 080C86C0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free: 080C76B8, unused: 398
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer add: 8: 75000:3034970986
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free: 080E1848
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free: 080C18C8
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 hc free: 00000000 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 hc busy: 00000000 0
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http keepalive handler
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 malloc: 080C18C8:1024
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 recv: fd:8 -1 of 1024
2007/07/11 10:48:22 [debug] 30281#0: *1 recv() not ready (11: Resource
temporarily unavailable)
2007/07/11 10:48:44 [debug] 30281#0: *1 http keepalive handler
2007/07/11 10:48:44 [debug] 30281#0: *1 recv: fd:8 0 of 1024
2007/07/11 10:48:44 [info] 30281#0: *1 client closed keepalive
2007/07/11 10:48:44 [debug] 30281#0: *1 close http connection: 8
2007/07/11 10:48:44 [debug] 30281#0: *1 event timer del: 8: 3034970986
2007/07/11 10:48:44 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free: 080C18C8
2007/07/11 10:48:44 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free: 00000000
2007/07/11 10:48:44 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free: 00000000
2007/07/11 10:48:44 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free: 00000000
2007/07/11 10:48:44 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free: 00000000
2007/07/11 10:48:44 [debug] 30281#0: *1 free: 080E20D0, unused: 40

Внимание, вопро:
Почему nginx передает апачу запросы для домена www.ajaxline.com, когда
секция server задана только для naikonsoft.com и www.naikonsoft.com?
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