bug or intent?: $request_uri in SSI

Larrytheliquid larrytheliquid at gmail.com
Sun Nov 11 00:04:23 MSK 2007

When including a file with SSI that has a query string, the $uri and
$query_string variables are set to the included file. However, the
$request_uri variable remains set to the original file. Is this supposed to
happen, or should $request_uri change?

An example follows, just be sure to change "root
/Users/larry/Sites/ngingx_request_uri/html;" to point to your local copy.
Once you have created these files, go to

worker_processes  1;
events {
    worker_connections  256;

http {
    server {
        listen 8084;

        location / {
          ssi on;

          default_type text/html;

          root /Users/larry/Sites/ngingx_request_uri;

    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <title>$request_uri with SSI</title>
    <h3>From example.html</h3>
      <strong>$request_uri: </strong><!--# echo var="request_uri" --> ::
      <strong>$uri: </strong><!--# echo var="uri" --> ::
      <strong>$query_string: </strong><!--# echo var="query_string" -->
    <!--# include virtual="/fragment.inc?page=1" -->

<h3>From fragment.inc</h3>
  <strong>$request_uri: </strong><em><!--# echo var="request_uri" --></em>
  <strong>$uri: </strong><!--# echo var="uri" --> ::
  <strong>$query_string: </strong><!--# echo var="query_string" -->
<p>Shouldn't $request_uri be "<em>/fragment.inc?page=1</em>"?</p>

Larry Diehl
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