November 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Nov 1 06:22:22 MSK 2007
Ending: Fri Nov 30 22:35:34 MSK 2007
Messages: 253
- let's build nginx server with caching !?
Nati Abargel
- nginx as an open proxy
Matthew Albright
- Multiple Apps - Single Domain
Stephen Anderson
- SSL issue
Eire Angel
- proxy pass
Eire Angel
- let's build nginx server with caching !?
Eire Angel
- configuring nginx for different rails apps under same domain
Archana Balaji
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
Gustavo Barrón
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
Gustavo Barrón
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
Gustavo Barrón
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
Gustavo Barrón
- Fair Proxy Balancer
Jodok Batlogg
- Session stickyness?
Denis Brækhus
- nginx-0.6.17
Adrian Perez de Castro
- Issues with static file download via SSL
Dave Cheney
- How to modfiy headers in and headers out
Yingyuan Cheng
- about http cache module
Steve Chu
- nginx as an open proxy
Igor Clark
- nginx as an open proxy
Igor Clark
- Compiling on Mac OS X Leopard (intel)
Richard Clarke
- Compiling on Mac OS X Leopard (intel)
Richard Clarke
- Any problems with large number (160) of upstream servers (mongrels)?
Jonathan Dance
- Is there a way to install Trac on nginx competely?
Jonathan Dance
- Any problems with large number (160) of upstream servers (mongrels)?
Jonathan Dance
- Phantom event for closed and removed socket
Andrew Deason
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
HonDev Developer
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
HonDev Developer
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
HonDev Developer
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
HonDev Developer
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
HonDev Developer
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
HonDev Developer
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
HonDev Developer
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
HonDev Developer
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
HonDev Developer
- disable gzip based on user-agent
Athan Dimoy
- active connections from status
Maxim Dounin
- active connections from status
Maxim Dounin
- X-Sendfile Header
Alex Egg
- Configuration choices prior to -V
Ian M. Evans
- wildcards in valid_referers
Ian M. Evans
- wildcards in valid_referers
Ian M. Evans
- disable gzip based on user-agent
Ian M. Evans
- threads issue
Arash Ferdowsi
- how nginx can improve imap webaccess
Brice Figureau
- one vhost takes over entire server
Brice Figureau
- Fair Proxy Balancer
Janko Hauser
- Fair Proxy Balancer
Janko Hauser
- wordpress rewrite nginx
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
- Tricky Rewrite rules.
- "client closed prematurely connection..."
- "client closed prematurely connection..."
- one vhost takes over entire server
Almir Karic
- let's build nginx server with caching !?
Almir Karic
- Rewriting using query args?
Marcin Kasperski
- Rewriting using query args?
Marcin Kasperski
- Ajax POST error 405
Ferenc-Lorant Kiss
- Ajax POST error 405
Ferenc-Lorant Kiss
- Ajax POST error 405
Ferenc-Lorant Kiss
- Ajax POST error 405
Ferenc-lorant Kiss
- bug or intent?: $request_uri in SSI
- Ajax POST error 405
Denis F. Latypoff
- nginx, php-fpm and 502 errors
Denis F. Latypoff
- nginx, php-fpm and 502 errors
Denis F. Latypoff
- connection pool
Aleksandar Lazic
- connection pool
Aleksandar Lazic
- connection pool
Aleksandar Lazic
- the request record is too big
Aleksandar Lazic
- nginx-0.6.17
Aleksandar Lazic
- the request record is too big
Aleksandar Lazic
- let's build nginx server with caching !?
Aleksandar Lazic
- SSL Strangeness
Aleksandar Lazic
- Rewrite to
Eden Li
- Rewrite to
Eden Li
- disable gzip based on user-agent
Eden Li
- disable gzip based on user-agent
Eden Li
- Rewrite with proxy_pass
Simon Mullis
- Rewrite with proxy_pass
Simon Mullis
- sub_filter and regexen?
Simon Mullis
- SSL issue
Aditya Nalla
- How to remove extension with mor rewrite
Ninh Nguyen
- How to remove extension with mor rewrite
Ninh Nguyen
- Is there a way to install Trac on nginx competely?
Ninh Nguyen
- Is there a way to install Trac on nginx competely?
Ninh Nguyen
- Fair Proxy Balancer
Grzegorz Nosek
Grzegorz Nosek
- monitoring for load balancing
Grzegorz Nosek
- Relative links in trac
- Session Id Question
Fred Palmer
- Session Id Question
Fred Palmer
- Read the value of a header?
Fred Palmer
- bug in ngx_mail_proxy_read_response
Mansoor Peerbhoy
- (resending) bug in ngx_mail_proxy_read_response
Mansoor Peerbhoy
- connection pool
Manlio Perillo
- connection pool
Manlio Perillo
- problem with nginx autoconfigure
Manlio Perillo
Manlio Perillo
- problem with nginx autoconfigure
Manlio Perillo
Manlio Perillo
Manlio Perillo
- [dev] change in ngx_conf_merge_ptr_value for 0.5.33
Manlio Perillo
- [dev] change in ngx_conf_merge_ptr_value for 0.5.33
Manlio Perillo
- [dev] change in ngx_conf_merge_ptr_value for 0.5.33
Manlio Perillo
- [dev] change in ngx_conf_merge_ptr_value for 0.5.33
Manlio Perillo
- about env directive
Manlio Perillo
- about env directive
Manlio Perillo
- disable gzip based on user-agent
Manlio Perillo
- [dev] ngx_write_chain_to_temp_file and NGX_AGAIN
Manlio Perillo
- bug in fastcgi_catch_stderr directive
Manlio Perillo
- [bug] typo in mail/ngx_mail.h
Manlio Perillo
- memory footprint
Jure Pečar
- memory footprint
Jure Pečar
- memory footprint
Jure Pečar
- nginx, php-fpm and 502 errors
Jure Pečar
- nginx, php-fpm and 502 errors
Jure Pečar
- nginx, php-fpm and 502 errors
Jure Pečar
- nginx, php-fpm and 502 errors
Jure Pečar
- upstream with fastcgi_pass
- upstream with fastcgi_pass
- upstream with fastcgi_pass
- fastcgi servers
- monitoring for load balancing
Ben Reubenstein
- nginx to serve many tiny image files
Armin Roehrl
- "client closed prematurely connection..."
Adam Roth
- Stealth mode?
- mass virtual hosting
- memory footprint
Riku Räisänen
- Nonstandard Response Headers
Brendan Schwartz
- Rewrite to
Wayne E. Seguin
- Rewrite to
Wayne E. Seguin
- Any problems with large number (160) of upstream servers (mongrels)?
Wayne E. Seguin
- memory footprint
Wayne E. Seguin
- "client closed prematurely connection..."
Wayne E. Seguin
- SSL issue
Wayne E. Seguin
- auth_basic from if condition?
- SSL Strangeness
Curtis Spencer
- SSL Strangeness
Curtis Spencer
- SSL Strangeness
Curtis Spencer
- SSL Strangeness
Curtis Spencer
- how nginx can improve imap webaccess
Alain Spineux
- proxy_redirect not working with https, redirect to http instead of https
Alain Spineux
- proxy_redirect not working with https, redirect to http instead of https
Alain Spineux
- proxy_redirect not working with https, redirect to http instead of https
Alain Spineux
- Any problems with large number (160) of upstream servers (mongrels)?
Alexander Staubo
- Fair Proxy Balancer
Alexander Staubo
- mass virtual hosting
Bartłomiej Syryjczyk
- How to modfiy headers in and headers out
Igor Sysoev
- How to remove extension with mor rewrite
Igor Sysoev
- Compiling on Mac OS X Leopard (intel)
Igor Sysoev
- Rewrite for Zend Framework
Igor Sysoev
- Rewrite for Zend Framework
Igor Sysoev
- about http cache module
Igor Sysoev
- about http cache module
Igor Sysoev
- Rewriting using query args?
Igor Sysoev
- nginx-0.5.33
Igor Sysoev
- X-Sendfile Header
Igor Sysoev
- Rewrite to
Igor Sysoev
- nginx fails to deliver certain files with gzip + SSL
Igor Sysoev
- "client closed prematurely connection..."
Igor Sysoev
- memory footprint
Igor Sysoev
- memory footprint
Igor Sysoev
- memory footprint
Igor Sysoev
- memory footprint
Igor Sysoev
- Rewrite with proxy_pass
Igor Sysoev
- "client closed prematurely connection..."
Igor Sysoev
- proxy_redirect not working with https, redirect to http instead of https
Igor Sysoev
- proxy_redirect not working with https, redirect to http instead of https
Igor Sysoev
- nginx as an open proxy
Igor Sysoev
- nginx as an open proxy
Igor Sysoev
- nginx-0.6.17
Igor Sysoev
- Multiple Apps - Single Domain
Igor Sysoev
- connection pool
Igor Sysoev
- auth_basic from if condition?
Igor Sysoev
- Session Id Question
Igor Sysoev
- Read the value of a header?
Igor Sysoev
- Ajax POST error 405
Igor Sysoev
- nginx, php-fpm and 502 errors
Igor Sysoev
- nginx, php-fpm and 502 errors
Igor Sysoev
- configuring nginx for different rails apps under same domain
Igor Sysoev
- nginx, php-fpm and 502 errors
Igor Sysoev
- ngx_http_map_module
Igor Sysoev
- upstream with fastcgi_pass
Igor Sysoev
- problem with nginx autoconfigure
Igor Sysoev
Igor Sysoev
- configuring nginx for different rails apps under same do
Igor Sysoev
- [dev] change in ngx_conf_merge_ptr_value for 0.5.33
Igor Sysoev
- the request record is too big
Igor Sysoev
- about env directive
Igor Sysoev
- wildcards in valid_referers
Igor Sysoev
- disable gzip based on user-agent
Igor Sysoev
- Configuration choices prior to -V
Igor Sysoev
- disable gzip based on user-agent
Igor Sysoev
- disable gzip based on user-agent
Igor Sysoev
- nginx-0.6.18
Igor Sysoev
- nginx-0.6.19
Igor Sysoev
- [dev] ngx_write_chain_to_temp_file and NGX_AGAIN
Igor Sysoev
- worker_cpu_affinity
Igor Sysoev
- nginx-0.6.20
Igor Sysoev
- proxy pass
Igor Sysoev
- let's build nginx server with caching !?
Igor Sysoev
- let's build nginx server with caching !?
Igor Sysoev
- worker_cpu_affinity
Igor Sysoev
- SSL Strangeness
Igor Sysoev
- Phantom event for closed and removed socket
Igor Sysoev
- proxy pass
Igor Sysoev
- nginx-0.6.18
Igor Sysoev
- proxy pass
Igor Sysoev
- proxy pass
Igor Sysoev
- proxy pass
Igor Sysoev
- proxy pass
Igor Sysoev
- wordpress rewrite nginx
Kirill T.
- wordpress rewrite nginx
Kirill T.
- russian to english translation of nginx-ru mailing list
Jason Toy
- Rewrite for Zend Framework
Huan Truong
- Rewrite for Zend Framework
Huan Truong
- nginx in the news, sort of
Jonathan Vanasco
- Auth extensions
Jonathan Vanasco
- configuring nginx for different rails apps under same domain
Cliff Wells
- ngx_http_map_module
Cliff Wells
- Wiki outage
Cliff Wells
- worker_cpu_affinity
Cliff Wells
- worker_cpu_affinity
Cliff Wells
- worker_cpu_affinity
Cliff Wells
- nginx-0.6.18
Cliff Wells
- proxy pass
Cliff Wells
- proxy pass
Cliff Wells
- proxy pass
Cliff Wells
- nginx-0.6.18
Cliff Wells
- Stealth mode?
Andreas Wolff
- Session stickyness?
Adam Zell
- Fair Proxy Balancer
Adam Zell
- nginx failing when too many connections
Juraj Ziegler
- Is there a way to install Trac on nginx competely?
Ezra Zygmuntowicz
- Rewrite to
Ezra Zygmuntowicz
- Rewrite to
Ezra Zygmuntowicz
- Fair Proxy Balancer
Ezra Zygmuntowicz
- Should upstream backends be disabled if they are down?
Ezra Zygmuntowicz
- configuring nginx for different rails apps under same do
amith amith
- configuring nginx for different rails apps under same do
amith amith
- about http cache module
chen changliang
- let's build nginx server with caching !?
chen changliang
- fastcgi servers
rkmr.em at
- fastcgi servers
rkmr.em at
- active connections from status
rkmr.em at
- active connections from status
rkmr.em at
- the request record is too big
rkmr.em at
- the request record is too big
rkmr.em at
- monitoring for load balancing
rkmr.em at
- Is it possible get bandwidth status for vhosts? Or SNMP module for vhosts?
- threads issue
Last message date:
Fri Nov 30 22:35:34 MSK 2007
Archived on: Sat Dec 5 11:50:11 MSK 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).