Question on Empty GIF module

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Fri Apr 25 12:46:45 MSD 2008


On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 09:16:53AM -0700, Rt Ibmer wrote:

>>IMHO, post_action will be much better here. Something like:
>>location / {
>>     empty_gif;
>>     post_action /post;
>>location = /post {
>>     internal;
>>     proxy_pass http://my_upstream_servers;

>Thank you Denis and Maxim! Maxium can you elaborate on what the 
>flow would actually be like with the above scenario, and what 
>advantages it may have over the approach posted by Maxium?

You mean "posted by Denis"?

>I am trying to understand how the above actually works from the 
>browser's perspective that originates the request...
>For instance,  with the above, will the browser's request be 
>fulfilled by the first location blocked and then immediately 
>closed (this is what I am hoping for)?  Or  does the browser need 
>to wait while nginx executes the post_action?

In sort: post_action registers callback that will be called after request 
will be processed by usual handlers (in this case - by empty_gif 
module).  It evaluates after response has been sent to client, 
so client sees no delay in request processing.

The only disadvantage of post_action as of current implementation 
is that it blocks connection, i.e. following keep-alive request 
won't be processed until post_action terminates.

Anyway, it's much better for your task then using X-Accel-Redirect.

And of course really best way do things is to write logs and just 
process them as needed.

>I could not find any docs on post_action so I don't know how it 
>works or what it does exactly. I came across this:

Docs for post_action doesn't exist (yet).  There are some relevant 
russian mailing list posts, but I can't recall anything in 

>  post_action does not block new connections, but it blocks 
>current connection.
>  nginx handles post_action in context of request and connection, 
>so it
>  does not close connection to a client before going to 
>post_action. So again this makes me wonder whether nginx will 
>immediately serve the gif back to the browser and close that 
>connection for the speed improvement I am hoping for.

Closing connection isn't really needed since empty_gif returns 
response with Content-Length set, and even HTTP/1.0 browsers will 
see response before connection will be closed.  This will block 
subsequent requests within keep-alive connection though, see 

>Assuming the above works how I would like, do I still need to 
>return any gif or other such response from my app? Or can I just 
>close the connection without upsetting nginx or making nginx think 
>the backend is down?

You have to return any valid response.  Simple "204 No content" 
will do.  Alternatively, you may tune nginx to ignore 
errors from backend server, but I don't recommend this way.

Maxim Dounin

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