How to write a module to redirect a request to specific server by uri?

Anton Yuzhaninov citrin at
Sun Aug 31 16:24:31 MSD 2008

On 31.08.2008 10:47, nbubingo wrote:
> I want to write a module to redirect a request to a specific 
> server by uri. when received a request, I need to calculate the secific 
> server's ip with the number in the uri.
> I have tried the function of ngx_http_internal_redirect(), but it seems 
> useless to redirect a request to another server. Is there any function 
> can do this? 
> My purpose is similar to the rewrite module with  the directive 
> of "permanent " , but I can't quite understand the rewrite 
> module, especially the function of ngx_http_rewrite_handler(). Can I 
> just modify the some members in the struct of ngx_http_request_t?

You can set in module variable, then use it in config

proxy_pass     http://$varibale_set_by_module;

  Anton Yuzhaninov

P. S. Don't forget about some auth, to don't make open proxy...

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