Multiple SSL certificates

ryo sato sato at
Tue Oct 21 14:52:13 MSD 2008

 > How do I configure the IP on the host?

Please excute next command.

/sbin/ifconfig eth0:0 "IP2"

 > Why would the host need to be
 > aware of its IP?

Because we can't bind non-local IP on processes.

To allow processes to bind to the non-local address,
add the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf:



sysctl -p

> So I tried with my real IP server, and it works. But when I add my IP
> failover, it doesn't.
> How do I configure the IP on the host? Why would the host need to be
> aware of its IP? Moreover, Nginx is running in a virtual machine, the
> only IPs it is aware of are and
> And why do I need to configure any IP, as Nginx works with the real IP
> of my server, why is it not working with the IP failover? By the way
> the IP failover is correctly pointing to my server.

Ryo Sato

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