fastcgi debug and "no input file" cases

Anıl Çetin anil at
Sat Sep 6 14:51:15 MSD 2008

Hi there,

I have two main problems about nginx(0.6.32)+fastcgi-php (4.4.9). I am
spawning php with spawn-fcgi thing and chrooting. nginx and fastcgi
processes are on different machines.

1) PHP is not logging error nor display them even it defined in php.ini
file which I am using while spawning php. php.ini directives below;

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
display_errors = On
log_errors = On
error_log = /php.errors
fastcgi.log = 1

But still I see a blank page and there is no php.errors file. "/ " path
is also owned by php-user so there are no permission problems about that.

2) When an unexisted page requested from fastcgi-php, it says "no input
file specified". In nginx logs it shows 404 code but it doesnt shows 404
page, instead gives that message. How can I get rid of this message?
Some apache users found something with url-rewrite but I dont want to
use url-rewrite thing.


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