php-fastcgi stalling

Kiril Angov kupokomapa at
Sat Apr 11 05:03:15 MSD 2009

Ok, here is a problem I had before but did not pay enough attention. I
have php-cgi spawned with a simple init.d script. 10 child processed.
I send one request to a PHP script let's say sloooooow.php, so the
browser waits for the page to load but the problem is that while that
page is loading, no other php page can be opened. That happens usually
when I do send a slow query through the phpMyAdmin but it can happen
on the production site also.

So, anybody know what the problem can be? Obviously php takes time to
respond but that should not stop nginx from serving other request. I
am pretty sure the problem is in PHP but what could it be?

Thanks in advance.

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