Traffic Limit and HTTP Header rewrite

Anto aryanto at
Mon Dec 28 12:41:40 MSK 2009

Hello Agentzh,

No, I have not tried that *together*. As I still can not debianized 
Nginx 0.8.x core, so adding HttpHeadersMore module would be more 
problematic for me. Is there any full debian package of Nginx 0.8.x 
including the HttpHeadersMore module, especially for debian squeeze? Or 
do you have any hint to debianized it?

I know that we can easily compile them together, but I want to have a 
clean environment on my VPS. So I prefer to install it from a deb 
package on my VPS.

Thanks in advance.


agentzh wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Anto <aryanto at> wrote:
>> No. I have not tried that module. Mainly because the Limitation section says
>> as below, which means it can not handle Expires, Cache-Control, and
>> Last-Modified headers. And it suggests to do that via the Headers module
>> which can not do any re-write.
> Have you tried it *together* with the standard headers module?
> Cheers,
> -agentzh
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