Conflicting server name - i don't understand

Jim Ohlstein jim at
Wed Sep 2 04:40:33 MSD 2009

Nuno Magalhães wrote:
> I'm no expert, but may'be thi'll help...
> On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 22:51, ktm<nginx-forum at> wrote:
>> This is my vhost file.Basically for every vhost i just copy this and change domain name. What i'm missing here, why if i add the second vhost it gives me that error ?
> You have 3 servers{ }, not 2.
>>  server {
>>            listen   80;
>>            server_name;
> [...]
>>       }
> You can erase this one, and just use server_name;
> in your next server entry:
>> server {
>>                        listen   80;
>>                        server_name; # <-- replace
> [...]
> The way you have it, you have two servers for the same domain. If i'm
> not mistaken, that doesn't work correctly (and is unnecessary), unless
> one server is taking incoming requests and the other is one of the
> backend servers (thus using nginx's reverse proxy thingy).

You are mistaken. I run most all of my domains as:

server   {
    listen 80;

server   {
    listen 80;
    rewrite   ^$request_uri?   permanent;

This does not generate any errors.

(Yes, I also don't like the www prefix.)

This also is *exactly* how Igor suggested that I do it.

If I have SSL enabled, then there are two more servers for the same domain.

But even if I didn't do it that way I would still use separate servers 
for 80 and 443 for the same domain.
>>            location /  {
>>                                root   /home/xxx/public_html/;
> Are you making vhosts for the local users? something like
> ? If so, did you check permissions?
> There are a lot of ifs, maybe some can be replaced. Which version are
> you running? Did you compile from source (if so with which parameters)
> of install from a package? Which OS? If all else fails, you can start
> with very basic configurations for your servers and add from there.
> HTH,
> Nuno Magalhães

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