Set a particular location for address starting with '?'

mvip nginx-forum at
Thu Sep 24 03:38:27 MSD 2009

I think I've tried all different approaches for this, but here is the problem: I need to separate all URLs starting with '/?' from the remaining ones (eg /?p=12). 

I've tried a bunch of different regex matches, but none of them seems to be able to match URLs starting with a '?'. I already started a thread here (,8435), but Jim referred me over to the mailing list. 

Configuration options I've tried includes:
'location ^~ \?.* { proxy_pass;}'  and 
'location ~ /\?.* { proxy_pass;}'

The above regexes should match the request, but for some reason they don't. Could anyone please provide me with a solution here?

Ps. Kudos to the deveopers for developing a great webserver. Compared to Apache the configuration syntax is both easier to read and write. Ds.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,8769,8769#msg-8769

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