http to https rewrite, non-standard port?

John Moore grails at
Mon Dec 6 14:47:10 MSK 2010

I want to rewrite all http requests for a host to https, on port 9443 
instead of the the standard 443. So I have this in my nginx.conf:

  server {
          listen 80;
          location / {
             rewrite  ^(.*)$ https://$host:9443$1 permanent;

  server {
          listen 9443;
          location / {

And as long as I use '', the rewrite works fine. 
But some URLS are coming back now as '' and 
I'm running into the 400 error"The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS 
port", for obvious reasons. So how do I get it to rewrite 'http://' to 
'https://' as well, which is what I presume I need to do?

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