504 Timeout when running PHP script

Alexander Vogt av at creativespot.de
Tue Mar 16 14:49:31 MSK 2010


> I have a PHP script that processes a folder of images, 
> it takes quite a while to do this, but should produce 
> output as it goes along. But when running this script I 
> get a 504 Timeout, probably after 60s. The script also 
> appears to stop running, so I end up with some database 
> records written, and others not. (Does nginx send a 
> signal to the fastcgi process to tell it to stop what 
> it's doing and get on with the next request?)

I see you already set fastcgi_read_timeout to a high value on your server, 
so the problem may lie on the PHP side.

Check your max_execution_time (have a look at the memory limits aswell) in 
php.ini to make sure PHP itself does not trigger a timeout. You should also 
make sure that your script does not use output buffering (and also disable 
output buffering in php.ini), and it flushes its output immediately (check 
out the implicit_flush directive on php.ini).


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