request_time for 206 typically bigger than that for 200

Bo Shen bshen at
Sat Jul 30 01:50:45 UTC 2011

My logs of nginx proxy server typically report bigger request_time for HTTP
206 responses than HTTP 200 responses.  Any clue?


My nginx.conf:


worker_processes  3;

events {

    worker_connections  10240;


worker_rlimit_nofile 10240;


http {

    include       mime.types;

    default_type  application/octet-stream;

    resolver <resolver-ip>;


    log_format combinedt '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '

                    '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '

                    '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$request_time" '

                    '"$http_x_forwarded_for" "$http_x_operamini_phone_ua" '

                    '"$http_x_device_user_agent" '

                    '"$http_x_user_identify_forward_msisdn" ';


    sendfile        on;

    tcp_nopush     on;

    tcp_nodelay    off;

    keepalive_timeout  65;


    server {

        listen       80;



        access_log  logs/access.log  combinedt;


        location ~ ^/(.+\..+)/(.*)$ {

            proxy_pass   http://$1/$2;

            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;



        location ~ \.ico$ {

            access_log off;




Here is an excerpt from a parsing results from my logs, in the format of
<$status> <$body_bytes_send> <$request_time> <byte/sec>. Last line is the
average byte/second.

For 206:


206     1071136 104.804 10220.3

206     864602  361.400 2392.36

206     665823  62.378  10673.8

206     340613  2.017   168787

206     232374  108.086 2149.88

206     287320  1.576   182194

206     2499460 1029.404        2428.06

206     370583  61.838  5992.71

206     231842  104.210 2224.74

206     1383828 53.579  25827.3

206     268015  93.539  2865.24

206     323593  2.216   145960

206     1126868 48.648  23163.2

206     837788  49.027  17087.9

206     180304  1.177   153059

206     821728  48.512  16938.3

206     887124  69.203  12819

206     1675820 22.049  76000.9

206     191963  61.966  3097.83

206     618780  3.979   155472

206     923059  26.926  34280.1

206     2826310 457.514 6177.52

206     1776074 484.779 3663.67

206     1498523 104.756 14304.8

206     400673  114.239 3507.29

206     222323  60.819  3655.43

206     408796  142.116 2876.48

206     837788  96.229  8706.1

t-a     33117629 4799.17 6900.7  <== much smaller than 200 case below


For 200:


200     1217    0.013   86928.6

200     633734  0.033   1.86392e+07

200     635204  5.634   112725

200     476893  4.869   97924.6

200     633419  208.175 3042.71

200     1388    0.022   60347.8

200     955     0.012   73461.5

200     15708   0.004   3141600

200     14259   0.017   792167

200     1098    0.024   43920

200     1383    0.023   57625

200     1454    0.002   484667

200     1233    0.001   616500

200     1248    0.015   78000

200     1181    0.009   118100

200     1340    0.013   95714.3

200     1211    0.017   67277.8

200     1164    0.001   582000

200     1407    0.001   703500

200     1159327 46.200  25093.1

200     1182555 0.124   9460440

200     1097    0.011   91416.7

200     1467    0.016   86294.1

200     1106    0.014   73733.3

200     1306    0.011   108833

200     968437  3.827   252988

200     28293   0.443   63723

t-a     495417297 15932.7 31094.3

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