Easiest way to use nginx with Python (Django)?

Roberto De Ioris roberto at unbit.it
Fri Jun 17 17:40:24 MSD 2011

> For a while now, I've been using nginx with great success as a remote
> proxy server in front of Tomcat, and also in front of PHP via fastcgi.
> It's likely that I will require to use it in front of a Django Python
> web application soon, and I'm just wondering what the easiest way of
> doing this is likely to be. I've read about a number of different ways
> of doing this but what I'm most interested in is ease of setup - the
> last ounce of performance isn't that critical. Keen to hear from anybody
> who's done this.
> John
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[DISCLAIMER: i am the uWSGI author, so you can trust me as i am
auto-losing a potential new customer :P]

If simplicity is your primary target, gunicorn is for sure the best way to


it does only one thing and it does it well (and is written in python).

If in the future you need a more advanced platform you can look at uWSGI.

Roberto De Ioris

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