upload_resume sha1, md5 and crc32 aggregates missing

Andrew Hammond andrew.george.hammond at gmail.com
Sat Oct 8 00:19:21 UTC 2011

I'm seeing most, but not all of the upload form fields get set. However, the
sha1, md5 and crc32 aggregates below are blanks:

request.POST <QueryDict: {
u'upload_name': [u'py_lightweight_uploader.py'],
u'upload_size': [u'11345'],
u'upload_sha1': [u''],
u'upload_content_type': [u'text/x-python'],
u'upload_path': [u'/var/lib/nginx/resumable_download/7/64565707'],
u'upload_md5': [u''],
u'upload_crc32': [u'']}>

I see that libssl is installed on the server. I don't see any entries in the
error log that would make me think there is anything failing here. I have
the following in the nginx config:

upload_set_form_field upload_name $upload_file_name;
upload_set_form_field upload_content_type $upload_content_type;
upload_set_form_field upload_path $upload_tmp_path;
upload_aggregate_form_field upload_sha1 $upload_file_sha1;
upload_aggregate_form_field upload_size $upload_file_size;
upload_aggregate_form_field upload_crc32 $upload_file_crc32;
upload_aggregate_form_field upload_md5 $upload_file_md5;

I based the above on the documentation and example config. What am I missing
here? I'm using nginx 1.0.8 deb-src build from the PPA with the latest
version of the upload_resume module included.

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