Does the long polling module work with nginx 1.0.6?

Ian Hobson ian.hobson at
Mon Sep 26 20:33:11 UTC 2011


I am using nginx with the long polling module.  When 0.7 something was 
new, I compiled nginx with the long polling module and wrote my 
application.  It ran under Ubuntu for 18 months or so, without problem.

During this time I have not changed the code that handles messages or 
startup. In fact, there are only two commits to the VCS.

About a month ago, I recompiled 1.0.6 with the long polling module using 
the same script as before.  And the application has started to show 
intermittent errors.

Can anyone confirm that they are using the long-polling module with 
1.0.6 without problems?

The symptom appears to be that if the second person to join the chat 
room, does not send a message for 5 minutes and they do not receive one 
in this time either, then they get timed out, and never receive a reply 
to the read issued after the start-up phase.



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