nginx default server not used

rj nginx-forum at
Sun Feb 19 21:17:28 UTC 2012

Hi Maxim,

thank's for the quick reply. The config seems to be ok. The missing } is
most likely a copy/paste error when combining the different config files
for pastebin.

I tried nginx -t already and it succeeds, so I assume the config is at
least syntactical correct.

nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

I also restarted and reloaded the config several times via
/etc/init.d/nginx {restart, reload, stop and start} without any
Already checked the error log, unfortunately it is empty.
The server is running and working otherwise as expected. It serves
static and dynamic (php/ruby) content and also correctly passes requests
to a java tomcat server without any problems. I have no clue what could
trigger this odd behavior.
It seems all server configurations work correctly except for the default


Posted at Nginx Forum:,222679,222689#msg-222689

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