Upstream max_fails, fail_timeout and proxy_read_timeout

pliljenberg nginx-forum at
Fri Nov 16 18:51:26 UTC 2012

> Normally timeouts results in 504, and if you see 500 this might 
> indicate that in fact request failed not due to a timeout, but 
> e.g. due too loop detected.  This in turn might mean that there 
> were more than one request to the server X which failed.
> Try looking into error_log to see what's going on.

You're correct - its a 504.
 [16/Nov/2012:12:40:48 +0100]  "POST /url HTTP/1.1" 403 454 Time: 300.030
Upstream-time: 300.004, 0.003 Upstream: XXX, YYY Upstream-status: 504, 403

Posted at Nginx Forum:,232912,232930#msg-232930

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