Cannot totally switch off caching

Ben Johnson ben at
Mon Jul 1 12:49:33 UTC 2013

On 7/1/2013 4:33 AM, imanenkov wrote:
> For some testing I need to switch off a nginx caching (nginx + php-fpm). Now
> I have a trouble - when I request a server (PHP app) first time, response
> generated about 10 sec (its ok), but when a request a server another time
> (during approx 1-2 mins from first request) response is returned within
> 50-100 msec, as I understand from some cache.

Are you using some type of opcode-caching software, e.g. APC, memcached,
etc.? If you're convinced that PHP is doing the caching, I would disable
any opcode-caching software first.


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