Caching any point to go in ram ?

Larry nginx-forum at
Fri Jun 7 12:02:14 UTC 2013


I have a 15k rpm server 16g ram on which is fiercely installed nginx 1.5.1
on a debian 7 machine (no apache installed).

I read a lot (up to crunching my head) about caching strategy.

I would like to reduce the latency of file serving.

currently, my webpage (static html) loads in 43-70 ms but then 44ms are
spent doing nothing then load the images.

The total for a 120k page is 500ms.

What is bugging me is that even with 4 cookie-less domain (actually same
disk) the answer is always page load + 44 ms idle.
So not a browser limitation.

How could nginx cache the images so that the answer be really fast ?
proxy_cache is useless in my case, isn't it ?
Varnish would maybe help but it is something on the stack to debug when
things go wrong. Not really a solution.


Posted at Nginx Forum:,239951,239951#msg-239951

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