Migrating existing Apache config

Kay Hayen kay.hayen at gmail.com
Wed May 8 15:57:00 UTC 2013


due to low memory on my virtual machine, I was researching migrating
away from Apache.

What kind of surprises me, and pardon my ignorance, I didn't lookup
much beyond the FAQ, and a few Wiki links, and web searches. I was
hoping to find scripts that migrate my Apache configuration files into
Nginx configuration files, so I could be up and running kind of

There are a few virtual domains, and a bunch of existing
configuration, that I would like to migrate, e.g. URL rewrites,
caching policies, proxies, etc. that I would not want to dive into,
just now, as it's not exactly trivial, to do all of that, check it
all, and to not make a lot of mistakes.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think I shouldn't learn the Nginx
configuration format, it's just that I would as a starting point, like
to use a working one that resembles what I had.

So if it's possible, I would welcome pointers... thanks in advance!


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