Migrating existing Apache config

Andre Jaenisch andrejaenisch at googlemail.com
Wed May 8 16:05:47 UTC 2013

2013/5/8 Kay Hayen <kay.hayen at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I was hoping to find scripts that migrate my Apache configuration files into Nginx configuration files, so I could be up and running kind of immediately.

Some tools were reported on the mailing list earlier, but I haven't
checked them.
Like with all automatically tools you should take a look at it before
putting the result in production.
I just picked a .htaccess converter for you: http://winginx.com/htaccess

But I would really recommend you to spend a weekend (as of tomorrow
until Sunday? ^^ At least here in Germany we have a bank holiday
tomorrow …) to write a simple config, test it and expand it to your
needs. It will help you debugging later, I guess.

Regards, Andre

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