Facing content-type issue with try_files.

Makailol Charls makailol7 at gmail.com
Fri May 2 05:12:27 UTC 2014


To serve static contents i.e. images I use try_files directive of Nginx. My
configuration location block is as below.

    location ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ {
        try_files $request_uri  @missingImg;

@missingImg is named location block with proxy_* directive.

The above configuration works fine if the image file name ends with jpg,
gif, jpeg, png extension in disk.  When image file name(stored in disk)
includes query string  like "example.jpg?a=123" then request to such image
is being served with application/octet-stream content-type . Because of the
wrong content type, image is not being displayed and browser prompt to
download image.

Could someone suggest me what am I doing wrong here?

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