Issue with nginx_http_push_module

epluntze nginx-forum at
Fri May 16 15:14:35 UTC 2014

We are using nginx as a web/comet server to provide push notification to our
web-app.  We have been running fine on nginx 1.0.11 and
nginx_http_push_module verson 0.692, on ubuntu 10.04 servers, for years
without issue, but re recently upgraded to nginx 1.4.6 and push module .712,
on 12.04.  We are seeing an issue when the GET call to the subscriber
location on nginx is interrupted it creates a CLOSE_WAIT connection that is
never cleared up, but once the GET call resolves once it clears up any
connections that were created on that publish channel.  In our old set up
these connections were being cleaned up after several hours but once we
switched over to the new server they persist until nginx is restarted.  Is
there some way I can get the server to clean these connections as before, or
close the connections explicitly in the error state of the call?

Posted at Nginx Forum:,250161,250161#msg-250161

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