map $uri in 1.3.0+ NOT working in 1.6.0+

Valentin V. Bartenev vbart at
Fri Oct 3 09:01:01 UTC 2014

On Thursday 02 October 2014 23:08:53 nikolaos2012 wrote:
> We have the following code that worked in 1.3.16....
> # Map VWS URI's to HTTP ($use_secure=0), HTTPS ($use_secure=1) or keep same
> ($use_secure=2)
> map $uri $use_secure {
> default 0;
> ~^/sites/ 2;
> ~^/account/ 1;
> }

$uri in the "map" directive usually means that you're doing it wrong.

For mapping configuration on URIs there's special and highly optimized
directive, called "location".

The only reason to use map instead of location could be to save some
memory when you have thousands of URIs to map.

  wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev

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