Request big JS file very slow if enable gzip on

colky nginx-forum at
Mon Oct 27 04:06:50 UTC 2014

I always use " gzip_comp_level 4;".

and i already tried     "gzip_proxied any;"  before, the gzip_proxied
property is use for jboss response content. in my settings, js file is
handled by Nginx, not jboss:

    location /wx/js/ {

What the issue made me headache is sometimes the page load very fast(1
second), sometimes /wx/js/libs/jquery-ui-1.10.3.min.js load pending more
than 30 seconds. I'm sure it should be Nginx issue but don't know how to
find reason of the issue. In debug log i cannot found any valuable logs.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,254292,254297#msg-254297

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