Connection timeout from work, working anywhere else

GuiPoM nginx-forum at
Sat May 2 14:52:31 UTC 2015

I have no clue why it is not working. So I took the computer from my office
location and I did the test from another location, with a standard internet
access: I have no issue at all.

It means that only the network between the computer and the nginx server
makes this error appears, it must have nothing to do with the computer.

I am still hoping to find some help here. I am pretty sure that the <host:
"truc:4321", referrer: "https://truc:4321/jeedom/index.php?v=d&p=history">
is causing this issue, but I have no idea if this is a configuration of the
nginx server and if I can do something around that.

Please help ! Thx.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,258187,258578#msg-258578

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