Http2 Priority

Muhui Jiang jiangmuhui at
Fri Oct 9 08:41:00 UTC 2015


My first time to ask question. Is this the mail list for FAQ?

If so, my question is that it seems nginx1.9.5 support the dependency tree
built in http/2. But through my test, the result is not what I expected. I
send 4 requests while A is B,C,D's parent.
But the response I received is a part of A's data frame and then B,C,D 's
whole data frame and then the left of A(A is big enough). According to
RFC7540, we should receive all the A's dataframe before receive B,C,D's
data frame. I don't know the reason(maybe because of flow control?). But
when I tried another server h2o, it gives me the result I want. A finished
first and then B,C,D.

Best Regards
Muhui Jiang
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