Nginx waiting connections growing

kamalakarv nginx-forum at
Wed Sep 16 10:09:24 UTC 2015

I have one more question

24360 ?        Ss     0:00 nginx: master process /etc/nginx/sbin/nginx
10479 ?        S      0:06  \_ nginx: worker process

 >  ls -l /proc/10479/fd | wc -l  

Active connections: 551
server accepts handled requests
69542 69542 79078
Reading: 0 Writing: 2 Waiting: 524

-- As per my understanding if there are 551 active connections means there
should be same amount of fd ( file descriptors)  should be opened  right? 
but in my case it is just  95 ?

Your help appriciated

Posted at Nginx Forum:,261632,261633#msg-261633

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