Delay in proxied requests locked by proxy_cache_lock

footplus nginx-forum at
Tue Sep 29 14:46:46 UTC 2015


While doing benchmarks in a configuration using proxy_cache and
proxy_cache_lock, I noticed that many requests had a duration very close to

Upon further analysis, I determined that a huge majority of these requests
were actually HITs, and investigated to see where do the delay came from.

I currently suspect that this particular delay come from HITs that were
delayed by proxy_cache_lock (i.e were waiting for an initial request to
succeed and cache the object). I found support for this claim in the
following code:
(and 509).

Am I right in assuming the proxy_cache_lock is using a 500ms polling rate ?
Are there any plans to move to an event-based mechanism ?

In our use-case (2s video fragments) this represents 25% of the segment
duration, so it can be quite impacting, furthermore because this mechanism
can act on several layers of caches. We're planning to try using a 10ms
interval instead (replacing 500 by 10 in the 2 lines should suffice right ?)
- but would it be interesting to make a real patch to have a configurable
value ?

Is there another work-around ?

Best regards,

Posted at Nginx Forum:,261927,261927#msg-261927

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