How to Windows auth working on nginx reverse proxy ???

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Tue Feb 16 13:35:11 UTC 2016


On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 03:37:01AM -0500, cehes wrote:

> we are now 4 years later, is there a solution now ?
> I read things like :
> ----------------------------------------
> upstream http_backend {
>     server;
>     keepalive 16;
> }
> server {
> ...
> location / {
>        proxy_pass http://http_backend/;
>        proxy_http_version 1.1;
>        proxy_set_header Connection "";
>     ...
>     }
>  }
> ----------------------------------------
> Is this the solution ?
> Somebody tried it ?

No, this is not expected to work - unless you are using the server 
with exactly one user.

Proper support for Windows Authentication (aka NTLM) requires 
connections to backend servers to be bound to particular 
connections to clients, as NTLM authenticates connections, not 
requests.  By using common keepalive pool as in the configuration 
above any authentication will basically authenticate arbitrary 
clients who happen to use the authenticated connection from the 
cache of keepalive connections to upstream servers.

Proper support for proxying NTLM authentication was recently 
implemented in our commercial version, see

Maxim Dounin

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