Transmission remote GUI proxy_protocol broken header

adrhc nginx-forum at
Wed Sep 21 08:05:22 UTC 2016

Hi, the log come from nginx error log. I simply start the Transmission
remote GUI and I get only this in error log:
2016/09/21 10:32:13 [error] 3909#0: *327 broken header: "> :
    X,u \kc  ;   J=ޛXfoVr_<    0 , ( $  
         k j i h 9 8 7 6         2 . * &     = 5   / + ' #  	         g @ ? > 3 2 1 0         E D C B 1 - ) %     < /   A   
  " while reading PROXY protocol,
client:, server:

As you can see there's no url in log but I guess it asks first for:
POST with Authorization and
X-Transmission-Session-Id headers.
I tried that and I get:
{"arguments":{},"result":"no method name"}
so seems to work.
After this request I guess it asks for e.g.:
HTTP/1.1", host: ""
and may be this is where it fails.

About the "simple reproducible test case" the patch from my previous post
where you helped me,269623 only affect
Location header in redirects (while the port is exactly 443) so I'm sure it
has no impact; if by any means would have an impact that would be a 404 http
code because the redirect would go to the http:80 alternative of my web site
and there I have no /transmission location; or the redirect would go to
http:443 with no ssl so again 404.

On the other hand in order to know where to place the request stunnel is
doing it's stuff based on sni - though I doubt it's breaking something.

By the way, wile still transmission fails, with the same setup the web
client works fine. So maybe transmission
is behaving/requesting somehow different comparing to a browser - I opened a
token on transmission's site too.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,269662,269717#msg-269717

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