Nginx - API Gateway is not forwarding the request to Auth Service

zaidahmd nginx-forum at
Thu Apr 13 05:00:20 UTC 2017

Hi Francis,

> I've read your description, and I confess I'm not sure what benefit
> auth_request within nginx gives you. It looks like your application is
> doing its own auth check on every request anyway, so having nginx do
> the same thing seems redundant. I'm probably missing something.

can u please tell me the concept and usage of auth_request module. What I
understood from the documentation is stated

Auth_Request Understanding: 
      If the auth requirement of an application is to use something other
than BASIC or jwt THEN use auth_request. auth_request can be used to send
each request to a custom authentication application and get the requests
authenticated from that application. NGINX will send a subrequest to
auth_request application for each incoming client request. (This is the same
logic which MAXIM told me in the previous replies.

************************** MAXIM's Reply Below
> You misunderstood what auth_request does. Instead, it issues a 
> subrequest for every incoming request, and allows further 
> processing of the request if and only if the subrequest returns 
> 200. No attempts are made to look into the response returned for 
> the original request, that is, "protected application"
************************** END MAXIM's

Posted at Nginx Forum:,273515,273586#msg-273586

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