Reverse cache not working on start pages (solution founD)

Lucas Rolff lucas at
Thu Oct 12 11:39:59 UTC 2017

If your server gets hacked due to a single website, you have bigger problems, and mod_security won’t fix the issue.
Consult with security professionals or give the task of managing your infrastructure to someone that can properly secure the environment.

On 12/10/2017, 13.26, "nginx on behalf of Dingo" <nginx-bounces at on behalf of nginx-forum at> wrote:

    You are right. I didn't know what canonical url:s where, but now I know. Yes
    there is in fact two servers. One server is running Apache with a website
    that has maybe 10 different DNS-domains pointing to it and then there is
    another server running IIS with lots of websites but usually only one
    DNS-domain pointing to each of them. The IIS server has a control panel
    software that enables customers to add both websites and DNS-records, so I
    don't want to change the configuration in my nginx proxy every time someone
    adds or changes something on that server, so there needs to be a bit of
    I have very limited knowledge about how to configure and protect webservers
    and the reason all this is happening now, is that the IIS server has been
    hacked due to an old wordpress vulnerability in a plugin called revslider,
    so I have had to do things in a bit of a hurry. When I installed nginx i
    didn't know that it was revslider, so nginx didn't fix the problem, so the
    server got hacked once again. I have now installed modsecurity, which seems
    to have stopped the problem.
    I am seriously considering using nginx plus, but it's not entirely my
    decision and my colleagues are already upset over all cost surrounding the
    web-servers at the moment.
    Posted at Nginx Forum:,276670,276836#msg-276836
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