I need help with 403 forbidden

OiledAmoeba nginx-forum at forum.nginx.org
Sat Apr 27 21:26:02 UTC 2019

Hell, I "like" Thunderbird for that... Sorry for the full quote but my
first reply was send directly to Tom...

Tom, I asked for the domain. "www" is a sub-domain of pb1ag.us 
(Don't be mad, that's my kind of humor..) So yes, I tried www.pb1ag.us
on port 8088. Please check the presence of your playlist and its location.
For the sake of completeness: Port 80 give me an answer of Apache: <h1
style="margin 200 auto 200 auto;color:red;">This is not the Web Page you
are looking for!</h1>

Am 27.04.2019 um 23:03 schrieb Tom Strike:
> No, you need www.pb1ag.us for dns to work.
> On 4/27/19 4:02 PM, Florian Ruhnke wrote:
>> There is no 403-forbidden for me.
>> Is pb1ag.us the domain we are talking about?
>> # curl www.pb1ag.us:8088 -v
>> *   Trying
>> * TCP_NODELAY set
>> * Connected to www.pb1ag.us ( port 8088 (#0)
>>> GET / HTTP/1.1
>>> Host: www.pb1ag.us:8088
>>> User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
>>> Accept: */*
>> < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>> < Server: nginx
>> < Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2019 20:47:07 GMT
>> < Content-Type: text/html
>> So nginx is delivering index.html instead of your specified m3u-file. Is
>> it present in /var/www/nginx/pb1ag? nginx is trying the index-files in
>> the order they were listed in the config. From left to right. The first
>> found file will be served.
>> By the way: There are no php-workers in the part of the config that you
>> presented to us. There is no reason to run nginx as a user different to
>> nginx.
>> Greetz
>> Florian
>> Am 27.04.2019 um 22:22 schrieb Tom Strike:
>>> I have just set up nginx on my server to stream video to and retrieve
>>> it in an http web page. I have tried everything that I can think of
>>> and all the recommendations i could find by Googling but nothing gives
>>> me http access th the video stream that is active on the server. I
>>> keep adding things I run into to my nginx.conf file and now it is so
>>> bloated it's ridiculous. The thing that concerns me with this issue is
>>> that I am using Apache2 on this same server running php7 at the
>>> standard port 80. I moved Nginx to port 8088. I've tried running Nginx
>>> as "user apache" thinking that might help with a possibility that php
>>> is running under the apache ownership but that didn't help. The
>>> following is my config file:
>>> #user  nginx;
>>> user apache;
>>> worker_processes  auto;
>>> events {
>>>      worker_connections  1024;
>>> }
>>> # We need to setup an rmtp server to stream video from client devices
>>> rtmp {
>>>      server {
>>>          listen 1935;
>>>          chunk_size 4096;
>>>          ping 30s;
>>>          notify_method get;
>>>          allow play all;
>>>          # rmtp handler our clients connect to for live streaming, it
>>> runs on port 1935.
>>>          # It converts the stream to HLS and stores it on our server
>>>          application pb1ag {
>>>              live on;
>>>              hls on;
>>>              hls_path /var/www/nginx/pb1ag/live;
>>>              hls_nested on;  # create a new folder for each stream
>>>              record_notify off;
>>>              record_path /var/www/nginx/pb1ag/videos;
>>>              record off;
>>>              record_unique off;
>>>          }
>>>          application vod {
>>>             play /var/www/nginx/pb1ag/videos;
>>>          }
>>>      }
>>> }
>>> http {
>>>      include       mime.types;
>>>      default_type  application/octet-stream;
>>>      log_format  main  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local]
>>> "$request" '
>>>                        '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
>>>                        '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
>>>      sendfile        on;
>>>      tcp_nopush     on;
>>>      keepalive_timeout  65;
>>>      gzip  on;
>>>      server_tokens off;
>>>      server {
>>>          listen 8088;
>>>          server_name  www.pb1ag.us;
>>>          root /var/www/nginx/pb1ag;
>>>          index  index.m3u8;
>>>          location / {
>>>              root   html;
>>>              index  index.m3u8 index.html index.htm;
>>>              autoindex on;
>>>              autoindex_exact_size off;
>>>          }
>>>          # the http end point our web based users connect to see the
>>> live stream
>>>          location /live {
>>>              types {
>>>                  application/vnd.apple.mpegurl m3u8;
>>>              }
>>>              index  index.m3u8;
>>>              alias /var/www/nginx/pb1ag/live;
>>>              add_header Cache-Control no-cache;
>>> #           add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
>>>          }
>>>      }
>>> }
>>> I am working against a deadline and this ius the last problem to solve
>>> and I am getting desperate. Please help, anyone?
>>> Thanks.
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