I'm about to embark on creating 12000 vhosts

Rainer Duffner rainer at ultra-secure.de
Mon Feb 11 18:57:57 UTC 2019

> Am 11.02.2019 um 16:16 schrieb rick_pri <nginx-forum at forum.nginx.org>:
> However, our customers, with about 12000 domain names at present have

Let’s Encrypt rate limits will likely make these very difficult to obtain and also to renew.

If you own the DNS, maybe using Wildcard DNS entries is more practical.

Then, HAProxy allows to just drop all the certificates in a directory and let itself figure out the domain-names it has to answer.
At least, that’s what my co-worker told me.

Also, there’s the fabio LB with similar goal-posts.

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