STALE responses taking as much as MISS responses

joao.pereira nginx-forum at
Fri Feb 15 17:54:37 UTC 2019

We are trying to measure times using the variables referred on the following
article and on the emails above:

But It came to our attention that those are not accurate, our log file:
log_format main ‘“$request_time" - $upstream_response_time” -
“$upstream_connect_time” - “$upstream_header_time”;

STALE only show $request_time but no $upstream_*
Hits are taking "0.000 to 0.001 which makes no sense because we are doing
the request from EU to US, the MISS  seems ok as they show both
$request_time and $upstream_* , there is any way to measure these times
properly ?

Posted at Nginx Forum:,282984,283065#msg-283065

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