nginx returns html instead of json response

Francis Daly francis at
Fri Nov 11 09:06:47 UTC 2022

On Wed, Nov 09, 2022 at 11:45:20PM +0530, Kaushal Shriyan wrote:

Hi there,

> Checking in again if someone can help me with my earlier post to this
> mailing list?

The question in the post was, and is, a bit unclear to me.

You seem to be showing multiple different requests, so I'm not sure
exactly what you are asking.

Maybe it is also unclear to others? In that case,it may be useful if
you can simplify your example question?

> I have a follow up question, when the user invokes ->
> <*>  -> Nginx Webserver
> -> Drupal 9 Core CMS -> PHP-FPM backend server.
> Nginx should present the below info on 500 ISE error conditions for /apis
> and /apis/* The below message sends back the response to Nginx web server
> to render it to the client browser instead of the /error-500.html file
> contents.
>                   "type" => "/problems/API-saving-error",
>                   "title" => $this->t("Issue occured while saving the
> API."),
>                   "detail" => $this->t("There are some wrong inputs passed
> to DB which caused this issue."),

What one specific request do you want to make? (Maybe, maybe*, maybe, maybe something else?)

For that one specific request, what do you want nginx to do with
it? (Maybe make a http request to the Drupal system? Or a fastcgi request
to the Drupal system? Or handle it internally withint nginx?)

For the response from that request, what do you want nginx to do with
it? (Send it to the user as-is? Mangle / modify it somehow? If so --
how? Change the http response code or headers? Change the response body?)

I suspect that if you can describe what exactly you want nginx to do,
someone will have a better chance of sharing how to configure nginx to
do that thing.

> I have the below settings in nginx conf file
>              error_page 500 /error-500.html;
>              location = /error-500.html {
>              root
> /var/www/html/gsmamarketplace/web/servererrorpages/error-pages-500-503/html;
>              }

For example: the above stanza says "if nginx is going to
send a http 500 response, it should send the contents of the file
as the response body", along with the http 500 response header.

If that is what you want nginx to do, the configuration is correct. If
it is not, it is not.

> I am trying to set the below location and try_files directive block in
> nginx.conf file
>      location /apis {
>             try_files $uri $uri/ /path/to/api/handler; (This part is not
> clear with me)
>             }

And I can see what this nginx config will do; but I do not know what you
want it to do. If you can give the full details for one example request,
then maybe it will become clear to me. (And maybe others will be able
to help too, if they are similarly confused.)


Francis Daly        francis at

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