[ANN] OpenResty released

Jiahao Wang wangjiahao at openresty.com
Thu Jul 20 03:58:12 UTC 2023

Hi folks,

I am happy to announce the new formal release,, of our OpenResty
web platform based on NGINX and LuaJIT. You can check the full release note


You can download the software packages here:


The highlights of this release include:

- LuaJIT
    - Avoid negation of signed integers in C that may hold INT*_MIN, since
      recent C compilers 'take advantage' of the undefined behavior, this
      completely changes the meaning of expressions like (k == -k).
    - Correct fix for stack check when recording BC_VARG.
    - Fix trace join to BC_JLOOP originating from BC_ITERN.
    - Fix math.floor() and math.ceil().
    - Many fixes imported from Mike Pall's upstream
https://github.com/luajit/luajit repository.
- Fixed a bug that uses memory after free when encountering an invalid
IF-Match request header.
- Implements monotonic_msec() and monotonic_time() in resty.core.time.
- Includes Apple Silicon FFI ABI limitation workaround.
- Reimplemented tcpsock:sslhandshake, coroutine wrapper, and
ngx.req.is_internal with FFI.
- SSL/TLS supports passphrase protected private key.
- Fixes a segmentation fault when getting headers via ngx.req.raw_header
  malformed requests.
- Fixed potential null pointer dereference.
- lua-cjson module
    - empty_array can not work on Apple because cjson did not compare light
      address with masked address. Since we used json_lightudata_mask when
      lightuserdata, same mask should be applied when comparing the return
of touserdata.
- headers-more-nginx-module module
    - Fixes crashes while accessing uninitialized pointers.
- lua-resty-websocket module
    - Adds mtls client cert support.
- lua-resty-memcached module
    - Implements init_pipeline(), commit_pipeline(), and cancel_pipeline().

For a comprehensive list of changes, please refer to the provided webpage.


Best regards,
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