mod_strip newline substitution problem

Evan Miller emmiller at
Fri May 2 23:33:36 MSD 2008

The problem is that I can't replace newlines before end tags with a space:

Unfortunately mod_strip doesn't support look-ahead. When it encounters a
newline, it has to decide what to do with it before examining subsequent
characters (that is, before examining whether the newline precedes an end

Short of rewriting to support look-ahead, maybe I could support options:

location ... {
    strip on;
    strip_characters tabs spaces newlines;

By default perhaps newlines shouldn't be processed. What do you think? In
any event, I will update the docs to reflect this bug.



On 4/30/08, Calomel <nginxlist at> wrote:
> @Evan Miller
> I built Nginx 0.6.30 with the third party module mod_strip. The problem I
> am seeing is when mod_strip removes a newline "\n" it does not replace it
> with a space. Instead, the last word of one line is jammed next to the
> first word of the next line. If it helps I am writing the HTML files by
> hand using the editor, "vi".
> For example, The following text is on two lines and entered as:
> This is a test
> Allow me to explain
> When mod_strip encounters the newline at "test\n" then both lines are
> joined, but the words "test" and "Allow" are jammed together:
> This is a testAllow me to explain
> Perhaps when a newline is seen mod_strip should add a space and check for
> double spaces afterward?
> BTW, everything else mod_strip touches is formated correctly and I have
> had
> no issues with any other facet of the program. If there is a fix I would
> be
> happy to test it.
> Thanks for your time.
> --
>   Calomel @
>   Open Source Research and Reference

Evan Miller
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