Nginx Load Balancing Two Squid Forward Proxyies

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Wed Oct 29 13:50:59 UTC 2014


On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 12:23:48PM +0000, Alexander.Eck at wrote:


> I'm using my nginx in the proxy settings of my internet explorer 
> and try to visit e.g.<> .  
> The request gets forwarded to the first of my server (as the 
> second is only backup), but the requested URL get exchanged to  
> " / " . So my question is:
> Is there a way to pass the requested URL, nginx is receiving, 
> forward to my two squid servers ?

There is a problem with your setup.  You are trying to use nginx 
as a forward proxy, while nginx isn't a forward proxy, it's a 
reverse proxy.  While it is possible to configure nginx as a 
forward proxy with some limitations (try google if you really wish 
to do it), this isn't something supported.

Maxim Dounin

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