Our nginx module development roadmap (draft)

agentzh agentzh at gmail.com
Sat Nov 27 12:29:06 MSK 2010

On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 7:53 PM, Michael Shadle <mike503 at gmail.com> wrote:
> here's a handful of my ideas...
> I know it currently doesn't support it but perhaps investigating a way
> to make a dynamic module loading module? :)

Dynamic module loading does not have a very high priority for our
business requirements. But we surely love to see it happen.

In our own ngx_lua based web applications, we take advantage of lua
module's dynamic loading support to extend nginx with external .so

> Some people would probably like to see DAV enhanced so things like
> mod_svn could be implemented

Maybe we can do that directly in ngx_lua and lua C modules? ;)

> clustering management - some way to make managing multiple servers

We indeed will look into this ;)

I've just added an ngx_shell module to our roadmap such that nginx can
talk to system pipes in a non-blocking and streaming way. This will
make CLI [1] automation more efficient and more easily, in the
contexts of those web-based system management tools.


[1] Command Line Interface

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