[PATCH 2 of 2] Stream: OCSP stapling

Sergey Kandaurov pluknet at nginx.com
Thu Aug 15 16:01:29 UTC 2024

On Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 07:56:24PM +0400, Sergey Kandaurov wrote:
> # HG changeset patch
> # User Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet at nginx.com>
> # Date 1723737247 -14400
> #      Thu Aug 15 19:54:07 2024 +0400
> # Node ID 0be1cc94cb87c8e5fa8a50d798838403b7326a33
> # Parent  7d94e3fcad21b90fb13734ed0f9a2f019e23f882
> Stream: OCSP stapling.
> [..]


# HG changeset patch
# User Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet at nginx.com>
# Date 1723737188 -14400
#      Thu Aug 15 19:53:08 2024 +0400
# Node ID 529b417ca5ed7a43d46ead5995c99b9ce9a8da79
# Parent  88b145af017198e739ab593d906fefa812368523
Tests: OCSP stapling tests in stream.

diff --git a/stream_ssl_stapling.t b/stream_ssl_stapling.t
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stream_ssl_stapling.t
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
+# (C) Nginx, Inc.
+# Tests for OCSP stapling.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use MIME::Base64 qw/ decode_base64 /;
+BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }
+use lib 'lib';
+use Test::Nginx;
+use Test::Nginx::Stream qw/ stream /;
+select STDERR; $| = 1;
+select STDOUT; $| = 1;
+my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/stream stream_ssl socket_ssl/)
+	->has_daemon('openssl');
+eval { defined &Net::SSLeay::set_tlsext_status_type or die; };
+plan(skip_all => 'Net::SSLeay too old') if $@;
+eval { defined &IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_OCSP_TRY_STAPLE or die; };
+plan(skip_all => 'IO::Socket::SSL too old') if $@;
+plan(skip_all => 'no OCSP stapling') if $t->has_module('BoringSSL');
+$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');
+daemon off;
+events {
+stream {
+    ssl_stapling on;
+    ssl_trusted_certificate trusted.crt;
+    ssl_certificate ec-end-int.crt;
+    ssl_certificate_key ec-end.key;
+    ssl_certificate end-int.crt;
+    ssl_certificate_key end.key;
+    ssl_ciphers DEFAULT:ECCdraft;
+    server {
+        listen ssl;
+        listen;
+        server_name  localhost;
+    }
+    server {
+        listen ssl;
+        server_name  localhost;
+        ssl_stapling_responder;
+    }
+    server {
+        listen ssl;
+        server_name  localhost;
+        ssl_stapling_verify on;
+    }
+    server {
+        listen ssl;
+        server_name  localhost;
+        ssl_certificate ec-end.crt;
+        ssl_certificate_key ec-end.key;
+    }
+    server {
+        listen ssl;
+        server_name  localhost;
+        ssl_certificate end-int.crt;
+        ssl_certificate_key end.key;
+        ssl_stapling_file %%TESTDIR%%/resp.der;
+    }
+    server {
+        listen ssl;
+        server_name  localhost;
+        ssl_certificate ec-end-int.crt;
+        ssl_certificate_key ec-end.key;
+        ssl_stapling_file %%TESTDIR%%/ec-resp.der;
+    }
+    server {
+        listen ssl;
+        server_name  localhost;
+        ssl_stapling_responder;
+    }
+my $d = $t->testdir();
+my $p = port(8081);
+$t->write_file('openssl.conf', <<EOF);
+[ req ]
+default_bits = 2048
+encrypt_key = no
+distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
+x509_extensions = myca_extensions
+[ req_distinguished_name ]
+[ myca_extensions ]
+basicConstraints = critical,CA:TRUE
+$t->write_file('ca.conf', <<EOF);
+[ ca ]
+default_ca = myca
+[ myca ]
+new_certs_dir = $d
+database = $d/certindex
+default_md = sha256
+policy = myca_policy
+serial = $d/certserial
+default_days = 1
+x509_extensions = myca_extensions
+[ myca_policy ]
+commonName = supplied
+[ myca_extensions ]
+basicConstraints = critical,CA:TRUE
+authorityInfoAccess = OCSP;URI:$p
+foreach my $name ('root') {
+	system('openssl req -x509 -new '
+		. "-config $d/openssl.conf -subj /CN=$name/ "
+		. "-out $d/$name.crt -keyout $d/$name.key "
+		. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
+		or die "Can't create certificate for $name: $!\n";
+foreach my $name ('int', 'end') {
+	system("openssl req -new "
+		. "-config $d/openssl.conf -subj /CN=$name/ "
+		. "-out $d/$name.csr -keyout $d/$name.key "
+		. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
+		or die "Can't create certificate for $name: $!\n";
+foreach my $name ('ec-end') {
+	system("openssl ecparam -genkey -out $d/$name.key -name prime256v1 "
+		. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
+		or die "Can't create EC param: $!\n";
+	system("openssl req -new -key $d/$name.key "
+		. "-config $d/openssl.conf -subj /CN=$name/ "
+		. "-out $d/$name.csr "
+		. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
+		or die "Can't create certificate for $name: $!\n";
+$t->write_file('certserial', '1000');
+$t->write_file('certindex', '');
+system("openssl ca -batch -config $d/ca.conf "
+	. "-keyfile $d/root.key -cert $d/root.crt "
+	. "-subj /CN=int/ -in $d/int.csr -out $d/int.crt "
+	. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
+	or die "Can't sign certificate for int: $!\n";
+system("openssl ca -batch -config $d/ca.conf "
+	. "-keyfile $d/int.key -cert $d/int.crt "
+	. "-subj /CN=ec-end/ -in $d/ec-end.csr -out $d/ec-end.crt "
+	. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
+	or die "Can't sign certificate for ec-end: $!\n";
+system("openssl ca -batch -config $d/ca.conf "
+	. "-keyfile $d/int.key -cert $d/int.crt "
+	. "-subj /CN=end/ -in $d/end.csr -out $d/end.crt "
+	. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
+	or die "Can't sign certificate for end: $!\n";
+# RFC 6960, serialNumber
+system("openssl x509 -in $d/end.crt -serial -noout "
+	. ">>$d/serial 2>>$d/openssl.out") == 0
+	or die "Can't obtain serial for end: $!\n";
+my $serial = pack("n2", 0x0202, hex $1) if $t->read_file('serial') =~ /(\d+)/;
+system("openssl ca -config $d/ca.conf -revoke $d/end.crt "
+	. "-keyfile $d/root.key -cert $d/root.crt "
+	. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
+	or die "Can't revoke end.crt: $!\n";
+system("openssl ocsp -issuer $d/int.crt -cert $d/end.crt "
+	. "-reqout $d/req.der >>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
+	or die "Can't create OCSP request: $!\n";
+system("openssl ocsp -index $d/certindex -CA $d/int.crt "
+	. "-rsigner $d/root.crt -rkey $d/root.key "
+	. "-reqin $d/req.der -respout $d/resp.der -ndays 1 "
+	. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
+	or die "Can't create OCSP response: $!\n";
+system("openssl ocsp -issuer $d/int.crt -cert $d/ec-end.crt "
+	. "-reqout $d/ec-req.der >>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
+	or die "Can't create EC OCSP request: $!\n";
+system("openssl ocsp -index $d/certindex -CA $d/int.crt "
+	. "-rsigner $d/root.crt -rkey $d/root.key "
+	. "-reqin $d/ec-req.der -respout $d/ec-resp.der -ndays 1 "
+	. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
+	or die "Can't create EC OCSP response: $!\n";
+	$t->read_file('int.crt') . $t->read_file('root.crt'));
+	$t->read_file('end.crt') . $t->read_file('int.crt'));
+	$t->read_file('ec-end.crt') . $t->read_file('int.crt'));
+$t->run_daemon(\&http_daemon, $t);
+$t->try_run('no ssl_stapling')->plan(10);
+$t->waitforsocket("" . port(8081));
+staple(8443, 'RSA');
+staple(8443, 'ECDSA');
+staple(8444, 'RSA');
+staple(8444, 'ECDSA');
+staple(8445, 'ECDSA');
+staple(8446, 'ECDSA');
+staple(8449, 'ECDSA');
+sleep 1;
+ok(!staple(8443, 'RSA'), 'staple revoked');
+TODO: {
+local $TODO = 'broken TLSv1.3 sigalgs in LibreSSL'
+	if $t->has_module('LibreSSL') && test_tls13();
+ok(staple(8443, 'ECDSA'), 'staple success');
+ok(!staple(8444, 'RSA'), 'responder revoked');
+TODO: {
+local $TODO = 'broken TLSv1.3 sigalgs in LibreSSL'
+	if $t->has_module('LibreSSL') && test_tls13();
+ok(staple(8444, 'ECDSA'), 'responder success');
+ok(!staple(8445, 'ECDSA'), 'verify - root not trusted');
+ok(staple(8446, 'ECDSA', "$d/int.crt"), 'cert store');
+is(staple(8447, 'RSA'), '1 1', 'file revoked');
+is(staple(8448, 'ECDSA'), '1 0', 'file success');
+ok(!staple(8449, 'ECDSA'), 'ocsp error');
+TODO: {
+local $TODO = 'broken TLSv1.3 sigalgs in LibreSSL'
+	if $t->has_module('LibreSSL') && test_tls13();
+like(`grep -F '[crit]' ${\($t->testdir())}/error.log`, qr/^$/s, 'no crit');
+sub staple {
+	my ($port, $ciphers, $ca) = @_;
+	my (@resp);
+	my $staple_cb = sub {
+		my ($s, $resp) = @_;
+		push @resp, !!$resp;
+		return 1 unless $resp;
+		# Contrary to the documentation, IO::Socket::SSL calls the
+		# SSL_ocsp_staple_callback with the socket, and not the
+		# Net::SSLeay object.
+		my $ssl = $s->_get_ssl_object();
+		my $cert = Net::SSLeay::get_peer_certificate($ssl);
+		my $certid = eval { Net::SSLeay::OCSP_cert2ids($ssl, $cert) }
+			or do { die "no OCSP_CERTID for certificate: $@"; };
+		my @res = Net::SSLeay::OCSP_response_results($resp, $certid);
+		push @resp, $res[0][2]->{'statusType'};
+	};
+	my $ctx_cb = sub {
+		my $ctx = shift;
+		return unless defined $ciphers;
+		my $ssleay = Net::SSLeay::SSLeay();
+		return if ($ssleay < 0x1000200f || $ssleay == 0x20000000);
+		my @sigalgs = ('RSA+SHA256:PSS+SHA256', 'RSA+SHA256');
+		@sigalgs = ($ciphers . '+SHA256') unless $ciphers eq 'RSA';
+		Net::SSLeay::CTX_ctrl($ctx, 98, 0, $sigalgs[0])
+			or Net::SSLeay::CTX_ctrl($ctx, 98, 0, $sigalgs[1])
+			or die("Failed to set sigalgs");
+	};
+	my $s = http_get(
+		'/', start => 1, PeerAddr => '' . port($port),
+		SSL => 1,
+		SSL_cipher_list => $ciphers,
+		SSL_create_ctx_callback => $ctx_cb,
+		SSL_ocsp_staple_callback => $staple_cb,
+		SSL_ocsp_mode => IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_OCSP_TRY_STAPLE(),
+		SSL_ca_file => $ca
+	);
+	return $s unless $s;
+	return join ' ', @resp;
+sub test_tls13 {
+	my $s = stream(
+		PeerAddr => '' . port(8443),
+		SSL => 1
+	);
+	return ($s->socket()->get_sslversion_int() > 0x303);
+sub http_daemon {
+	my ($t) = shift;
+	my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+		Proto => 'tcp',
+		LocalHost => "" . port(8081),
+		Listen => 5,
+		Reuse => 1
+	)
+		or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+	local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+	while (my $client = $server->accept()) {
+		$client->autoflush(1);
+		my $headers = '';
+		my $uri = '';
+		while (<$client>) {
+			$headers .= $_;
+			last if (/^\x0d?\x0a?$/);
+		}
+		$uri = $1 if $headers =~ /^\S+\s+\/([^ ]+)\s+HTTP/i;
+		next unless $uri;
+		$uri =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg;
+		my $req = decode_base64($uri);
+		my $resp = index($req, $serial) > 0 ? 'resp' : 'ec-resp';
+		# ocsp dummy handler
+		select undef, undef, undef, 0.02;
+		$headers = <<"EOF";
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Connection: close
+Content-Type: application/ocsp-response
+		local $/;
+		open my $fh, '<', "$d/$resp.der"
+			or die "Can't open $resp.der: $!";
+		binmode $fh;
+		my $content = <$fh>;
+		close $fh;
+		print $client $headers . $content;
+	}

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