[ANNOUNCE] upstream keepalive module 0.3
Maxim Dounin
mdounin на mdounin.ru
Вт Сен 14 21:35:45 MSD 2010
Изменения в версии 0.3:
*) Bugfix: cached connections might be closed needlessly.
Thanks to Martin Fjordvald.
*) Bugfix: in memory allocation error handling on config creation.
Репозиторий тут:
Tarball с исходниками берут тут:
MD5 (ngx_http_upstream_keepalive-0.3.tar.gz) = e28a2e6bb58cd1873e2429f6dca98ec4
SHA256 (ngx_http_upstream_keepalive-0.3.tar.gz) = 44ebda7c854293db7852ca5121491622dfdfcc8aa47c42477529d19243a9d519
Maxim Dounin
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