forward arguments in upload module

vetri nginx-forum at
Tue Jun 14 10:07:35 MSD 2011

mr francis,

  sorry for asking again. i have to make clear. i sent the file via form
in i tried in browser .u have specified 

 upload_set_form_field above . i used that 

            upload_set_form_field  $
           upload_set_form_field  $upload_field_name.content_type
           upload_set_form_field  $upload_field_name.path

  In the Server log i printed  Field name and value .here what i got 
when i upload  nginx.tar.gz

    Field Name is                      Field Value is   

    Field Name is      file1.content_type          Field Value is  

    Field Name is       file1.path                         Field value 
is    /home/vetriselvanm/Desktop/upload/0000000001

   Now i have got the three key value pair for the file  specified

   My backend server will parse the key value pair and it will print it.
for example if it recieves  name=run.txt

   it will print  paramname ::name  and paramvalue::run.txt

  after the file is uploded i am receiving notification but  no
key=value is passed to backend .

  i used upload_pass_form_field directive to pass key=value to backend
.below is the directive what i used .

  upload_pass_form_field "^submit$|^description$";

 am i using the regex pattern correctly?or should i change it ,if i have
to change? how ? give me backend handler code to parse key=value or
getting the above key values  which is working for u?

 Thanks for the Reply

Posted at Nginx Forum:,205669,206640#msg-206640

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