new requests are not updated in nginx

prasunb nginx-forum at
Sat Jul 6 17:10:46 UTC 2013

        I have installed nginx as proxy server for our project purposes. We
kept our application in our private lan and made that private url (say
http://a.b.c.d:1234/appName) an entry in nginx config file
(/etc/nginx/stes-available/web-apps ). Then restarted the nginx service to
take effect new changes. nginx is running in 80 port and accessible from
internet. In this way nginx had been run for last 4 months. But, suddenly it
stopped updating itself. I mean whatever new url I do add in the config
file, nginx is not redirecting any request to the real application.

	I have tracked the ports using tcpdump. nginx receiving the request, but it
is not forwarding the request towards real server. I have checked the access
log file and the error.log file, but no error is logged there. 
	Please provide me any suggesion.

        Thanks in advance.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,240616,240616#msg-240616

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